Book Details: Jesus and the Exodus
· Language : English
· Paperback : 284 pages
· ISBN-10 : 1912445301
· ISBN-13 : 978-1912445301
· Dimensions : 15.24 x 1.52 x 22.86 cm
The Missing Piece. Because the full significance of the Passover/Exodus has been misunderstood, the Church worldwide has been deprived of the teaching of Jesus and the apostles on this key event in Jewish and world history. The evidence for this is displayed throughout the pages of the Church’s history. Here, in this groundbreaking study, the Exodus and the Passover are explored to recover vital missing pieces in understanding how God saves people. This easy-to-read book brings a new level of understanding of Jesus and what He has achieved for His people through His death and resurrection. It is a book for all Christians, regardless of their denominational affiliations. It is written not for the scholar but for the average Christian reader. It reveals a new evidence-based understanding that confirms and enlightens the Church’s great ancient creeds. The significance that this book has for Christian teaching and experience is huge.
No one has explored the Exodus motif in the Bible as thoroughly and as well as has Tom Holland in this comprehensive book. I commend his work as worthy of prolonged consideration regarding this intriguing and provocative motif that attempts to unify the witness of the New Testament, presented by someone who has devoted years to its study and thoughtful consideration.
–Stanley E. Porter, President, Dean, and Professor of New Testament, Roy A. Hope Chair in Christian Worldview, McMaster Divinity College, Hamilton, ON, Canada
Publishers make bold and unsubstantiated claims for their books. You know the kind of thing: “This book will change the church as we know it!” The subtitle of Tom Holland’s book is certainly a bold one: “Discovering the Key that unlocks Scripture”, but he presents plenty of evidence to substantiate such a claim. This is no surprise to those who know him. He has spent a lifetime researching the Old Testament background to the theology of the Apostle Paul and he is the Senior Research Fellow at Union School of Theology.
– John Lewis, former manager of one of the largest Christian bookshops in Cardiff.
Jesus and the Exodus is a masterful and personal compilation of Tom Holland’s years of theological research. In this work, Holland shows himself to be an exceptional guide to anyone wanting to understand the overarching storyline of the Bible and its many theological themes. Readers of Jesus and the Exodus will find themselves amazed at their newfound discoveries and will also find they have a new and robust appreciation for the Scriptures and it’s message for our modern age.
– Chris Hannah, Higher education administrator
It is rare to find an intellectual work of theological depth that is also engaging for the reader. Tom Holland in Jesus and the Exodus takes us on a journey with him re-tracing his steps of discovery on the quest to better understand the cultural and historical context that the apostle Paul would have had in writing his letter to the Romans. Holland is warm and engaging in his invitation to go on this journey with him. It is precisely because Holland describes his personal journey in coming to his understanding of how Paul wrote Romans that makes it an engaging read. Holland takes his reader not only on a journey through Romans but also through his own emotions in learning of the context in which the apostle Paul would have written.
Tom’s focus is refreshing in that it brings to light something that is often ignored in protestant churches – that is Paul was Jewish and was writing from this background of having been educated by some of the top rabbis of his time prior to his conversion on the Damascus Road. Tom guides us through those Old Testament concepts and ideas that would have certainly been a big influence on Paul’s writing. This gave nuance to the text that I personally had never considered before and upon reading it thought that it should have been obvious.
The strongest element in Jesus and the Exodus is how Christ-centred Holland’s writing is. Jesus is central to the entirety of this book, and this is its greatest strength. Holland shows his reader how the original Exodus event and the subsequent exodus (the return from the Babylonian captivity) pointed to what Jesus would accomplish for us on the Cross.
I would recommend Holland’s work for gaining a deeper understanding of Paul’s writing and Romans specifically.
– Liam Steel, Missionary
In an era where evangelical Christians seem to produce either detailed, scholarly, treatises, or overly generalised work, this book is a gem in providing important, and sometimes theoretical theological issues in a very readable and straightforward format.
Using easy-to-follow narrative style writing, the reader is taken on a journey with the author to explore the apostle Paul’s methodology, the Old Testament exoduses, and the culminating realisation of the new exodus, as discovered in the New Testament.
In addition to this, we are invited to consider inter alia such matters as the corporate attitude of New Testament culture, the amazing use of Old Testament Scriptures by Paul, an analysis of the Biblical meaning of “flesh”, and a fascinating bonus chapter on Rabbi Akiba.
The content is presented in bite sized portions, so that one is able to easily grasp each ingredient before moving on to the next. As stated in the Preface, this is a book for Christians who want to dig deeper into the Bible. This is clearly true, but in my opinion, it is also a book that will demand a reappraisal of many previously unquestioned norms, leaving the reader with a greatly enhanced understanding of some important Biblical truths.
– Roy Harries, Accountant
This book is written particularly for the non-theolog – i.e. me! And as I read it, I felt as if Tom was kindly speaking directly to me and explaining ideas that I had never even thought of before. Jesus and the Exodus is a brilliant book and has opened up to me the thoughts of Paul in his letter to the Romans, and how this relates to the Old Testament.
–Frances Aldridge, Retired GP
I came to Christ in Germany. Most of my work was in the space industry with NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations). Through this, I learned how communicating effectively with different languages and national understandings is very difficult, and failure to do it properly can easily cause serious confusion. In his book Jesus and the Exodus, Tom Holland shows by
using simple language and examples, mistakes that have been made by gifted bible translators. By understanding this, Christians can possibly, for the first time, understand incredible truths that are normally missed. This is a must-read book.
– Ian Schofield, Scientist.
I’m loving this book!
–Richard Turner, Engineer
‘Jesus and the Exodus’ is very likely to challenge and excite the reader. Tom Holland skilfully and thoughtfully brings Paul’s deep Jewish roots to the fore and argues persuasively that his evangelical methodology and practice was rooted in the Old Testament and not in Greek or other world cultures. I found the early sections on Holland’s key theme that the Old Testament and Exodus fashioned his theology both inspiring and challenging to my Western thinking. The section on the scriptures and Paul’s letters being community-oriented and not primarily individualistic was particularly helpful. I would encourage Christians to get hold of the book and have their eyes opened to seeing Paul’s writings through a new lense.
–Robert Hathaway, Surveyor
In ‘Jesus and the Exodus’ Dr Tom Holland presents an accessible and easy to read introduction to the importance of the Exodus motif in the Bible. The Hebrew worldview of the Old Testament writers is shown to be the Apostle Paul’s also. This yields renewed insight into many aspects of Paul’s teaching in the New Testament. Theological jargon is kept to a minimum in this concise exploration of the interwoven message of the Exodus book that is throughout the whole Bible.
These observations in scripture grew out of Dr Holland’s pastoral concern for the Bible’s message to be open to all and not just the academic specialist. The Exodus is not just an ancient story, but the ongoing key to understanding the bold challenge the authentic gospel presents in an increasingly individualistic and alienated society.
–Martin Waite, Logistics
This book will be a revelation to all who read it, giving greater insight into the entire plan of salvation and the validity of the Old Testament.