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Dr Tom Holland is an ordained Baptist minister who planted two churches in Hertfordshire, England before going on to teach advanced studies at Union School of Theology, which has its research center in Oxford. Serving as the director of Biblical Research for many years, Dr. Holland is known for identifying the groundbreaking insights of the Paschal New Exodus paradigm that is influencing much research throughout the world. Now retired, Tom is the Senior Research Fellow of the school...
Read Reviews by readers of Dr Holland's books
Dr Lawson Murray // President of Scripture Union // Canada
Tom's commentary invites readers to break away from fixed ideas and journey to new places. It is informed, scholarly, rich in exegetical insights, yet easy to understand. Tom argues for a reading of Romans that is tied to the Old Testament Scriptures, rooted in Isaiah, is Christ centred and communally focused. I highly recommend it for pilgrims seeking to know God more.
Dr Dustin Messer // Senior Fellow of Theology and Culture at the Centre for Cultural Leadership
No one has helped me read & understand St. Paul more than Tom Holland. I find his work to be the near perfect balance of creative yet careful, original yet faithful. While many talk about theological exegesis-Dr Holland actually does it, and he does it well.
Hope For The Nations: Paul’s Letter To The Romans.
By Tom Holland
The book (Hope for the Nations) is full of gems of knowledge and wisdom for the taking. Issues that I personally struggled with were helpfully explained time and time again. My copy of the book is filled with my notations on new insights.
Ken B. Godevenos // Accord Resolution Services Inc. // Toronto, Ontario.
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