Discover how reading Romans as a letter about the church rather than the individual transforms our understanding, revealing profound truths about Christ, salvation, grace, and Christian living.
Tom’s commentary invites readers to break away from fixed ideas and journey to new places. It is informed, scholarly, rich in exegetical insights, yet easy to understand. Tom argues for a reading of Romans that is tied to the Old Testament Scriptures, rooted in Isaiah, is Christ centered and communally focused. I highly recommend it for pilgrims seeking to know God more.
Dr Murray Lawson, President of Scripture Union Canada

TOm holland
Dr Tom Holland trained as an engineer but left to study theology after sensing God’s call to Christian service,
After graduating from London University with a Bachelor of Divinity, he accepted an invitation to establish a church 25 miles south of Cambridge. By God’s goodness it grew rapidly.
In preaching regularly, Tom began to see that the Old Testament was far more present in the New Testament than generally recognised.